Unfortunately, CNN.com's "What is Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome?" fails to provide a clear, current, comprehensive portrait of the disease and its sufferers. Instead, readers were treated to some ominously black and white photos of a "bendy person" and her "stretchy skin."
Rather than interviewing numerous physicians, patients, and families, CNN Medical Correspondent Elizabeth Cohen relied on one patient, and one physician, Salman Kirmani, MBBS, a pediatric endocrinologist/geneticist, who is cast as "an expert on EDS at the Mayo Clinic," even though we could not find Kirmani listed ANYWHERE as an author of ANY EDS-related research.
While most of the article was the standard discussion outlining the history, the variations, and the rarity of the disease, some of Kirmani's statements, and CNN's interpretation of his statements, sparked the INTENSE ire of Ehlers-Danlos sufferers. YOU BLEW IT, CNN! Please fix it!
For your convenience, we have bracketed our comments inside the CNN blockquote:
Unfortunately, there is no cure, but Kirmani recommends seeking treatment from a team who knows and understands EDS. [Since so few physicians "know and understand EDS, does Kirmani realize that a team is almost impossible to assemble outside of a major, elite teaching hospital.]
“Even though we have no cure, we can certainly manage the complications quite adequately,” he said. [We know of few EDS sufferers who have experienced having their complications managed "adequately," let alone "quite adequately."]
Managing the symptoms often involves physical therapy to strengthen muscles and over-the-counter drugs for pain. [Many EDS patients cannot tolerate standard physical therapy and mobility issues make it difficult to travel to and from multiple weekly appointments. EDS sufferers were not polite in there reaction to "over-the-counter drugs" providing significant relief from chronic pain.]Ultimately, CNN's article does more harm than good in that it perpetuates the misconception that Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome is simply a benign hyper-mobility disorder. Worse, because the article was picked up by countless television news partners, the effect of this disinformation will take a long time to erase.
Patients with EDS may be limited by their fragile skin or bone tissue – Kirmani and his team tell patients to avoid high-risk activities - yet the majority have a normal life expectancy. [Overall, EDS patients may have a near-normal life expectancy. But, patients with the vascular type, often don't make it far beyond 40. Readers were incensed by this lack of understanding and distinction.]
So, for your reading pleasure, we have re-posted the readers' comment below. Please feel free to post something equally scathing to the article comments section right here. Unfortunately, it may require Facebook to post.
I understand this is a very simplistic insight into EDS, but I want to point out two misstatements. First, not all types of EDS are autosomal dominant, which means a parent with EDS has a 50% chance of having a child with EDS. Some are autosomal recessive, which requires both parents to carry the mutation for their child to have EDS. Second, severe pain is a hallmark of EDS -Hypermobility Type. The pain is chronic and often disabling and over the counter medication offers minimal to no relief. It is a mistake for the article to imply that EDS is an easily managed syndrome.
Ends up it appears both parents had different types of EDS. Everyone thought my mother to be a hypocondriac and I was accused of being a drug seeker, malingering or crazy until i had the genetic team of ths SAME HMO work me up only discover, "hmnn that is what you have. ". I believe many of the high school athletes that die of heart attacks may be undiagnosed as well. I pleas with all parents...if your children are extremely limber take them to a genetist to be sure they do not have vascular issues as well. No such thing as double jointed. If you or your child are doing party tricks, get seen i mediately. I miss my brother so much, I don't wish this chronic pain on anyone.
My brother was a Viet Nam vet with a silver star but no one believed how sick he was until he died!
Also if you have EDS you may also be at risk for blood pressure issues and dystautonomia (Pots).
We are typically treated so poorly by the docs just because they dont know.
We need med schools to teach more about this RARELY DIAGNOSED syndrome.
Inspire is a great support group where the EDS community can compare notes and get emotional support as well.
There are no guarantees for any of us on how long we live, but we certainly should all get to have as many pain free days as possible. EDS is genetic, progressive and incurable. I will never feel better than today, hardly compares to how you presented the illness...but it is a start at awareness, thanks.
There is NOTHING simple about Ehlers Danlos Syndrome. It is UNDER-DIAGNOSED, UNDER-TREATED, AND POORLY UNDERSTOOD by most of the medical community.
We desperately NEED major teaching hospitals to step up and spend more time teaching about this terrible disease and all of its complications. We need MAJOR FUNDING to work at finding a cure.
I am now a volunteer representative at the Center for Ehlers Danlos Syndrome Alliance. We are hosting our first conference this coming fall in Michigan. http:// cedsa.org
PLEASE- help us get more drs to realize the seriousness and the many complications of EDS. Over the counter medications and physical therapy???? This opinion is not at all accurate. Check in with Dr. Brad Tinkle of Cincinnati Childrens Hospital, ask him about all of his EDS patients and what they suffer with. Check in with Dr. Clair Francomano out in Bethesda... They both specifically treat EDS/genetics... they know the level of suffering EDS patients go through.
EDS patients are some of the bravest, toughest, and compassionate people you will ever meet. They look 'normal' on the outside, but inside they are dealing with much pain, GI issues, blood pressure problems, nerve problems, etc...and yet WE GO ON.
If you want to see hundreds of people with EDS- go to YouTube and type in Ehlers Danlos Syndrome . Some of them just show the hypermobility- but there are many of us who are suffering terribly.
If you know someone with hypermobility, chances are you actually know someone who has EDS. They just haven't been diagnosed yet- because the drs haven't been trained to identify it.
CNN- PLEASE. This truly is a situation that needs much more attention. Don't let someone tell you PT and OTC meds are enough. It's not. I am an administrator of the largest EDS community on FB, and administrator in several others. Our members suffer 24/7 and I really hope that you – CNN- will be able to step up and BE PART OF THE SOLUTION to training more drs to adequately treat EDS, and to helping patients get to those drs.
Thank you for trying. I do appreciate it.
Linn Ash, http://cedsa.org
For our personal family situation- my daughter and I also deal POTS/dysautonomia, another accompanying condition of EDS. Some of the symptoms of POTS- postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome, are rapid drops in BP, high pulse rates, dizziness, fainting, falling down, fatigue, etc...
Just shaking my head– there are only a few stories shared here so far. There are so many people suffering. I really do hope CNN will step up and do what they can to make a difference in our world.
Linn Ash, Representative
Center for Ehlers Danlos Syndrome Alliance
Collagen is the protein building block of connective tissues, and ours is not right. Connective tissue is present in almost every structure of the body, that's why it affects everything. I wish it was as easy as 'finding a team' of docs who could help. I go to a major university medical center, where it seems everyone has the most mild acquaintance with the concept of EDS, but no one is interested in actually helping.
I do appreciate that CNN has posted this article in May, EDS Awareness Month. And I also appreciate that we are able to respond with a more detailed and personal experience.
Your article really does over simplify. Granted, there are so many complications with the many different types of EDS that it would be hard to fit into one article. I'm not sure how many EDS patients the specialist you interviewed has worked with, but I'm interested in learning more about how they are able to "manage the complications quite adequately"- as my team has a geneticist, pain management, cardiologist, hematologist, PT, OT, 3 different orthos (they all specialize in a different area of the body- heaven forbid anyone could treat me as a whole), gyno, orthotics specialist, allergist, along with my PCP that all usually tell me "sorry it is genetic so there really isn't anything we can do." OH, and I should have a neurologist and a rheumatologist however none in the area are willing to see me as I am "out of the scope of their practice." EDS is a genetic disorder, while "managing" is all the best of us can do- each of us presents very differently and our symptoms can vary from day to day. It is horribly frustrating for both the person living with it and the doctors that are willing to take us on as a challenge.
Sadly, this just adds more fuel to the idea that those of us with EDS are exaggerating our symptoms.
I'm imagining the comments I'll get from friends and relatives - see, all you need to do is have some PT and some ibuprofen and you'll be fine! It's difficult enough dealing with EDS on a daily basis and having to explain my braces, cane and handicap parking. While pregnant with my second child I had to use a walker as my ligaments were so loose I literally was not strong enough to keep myself upright and walking. My legs buckled and the walker was a better choice than crawling around my house as I had been doing. My daughter is 10 and has never had a mother who could run and play with her. Unlike the photo presented, I don't have excessively stretchy skin. I will be 48 this year and have been on Social Security disability for 8 years. The occupational therapist at my hearing said he could not think of anything I could do at all for employment for any length of time.
I wish this were a more well-written comment on the article. Sadly, the tropical storm in Florida is causing an incredible increase in pain and in dislocations and I'm just not up to thinking hard enough to write better.
Please provide some kind of disclaimer about this article not being the case with many people with EDS! No one article can cover all types of EDS and symptoms and this one is just doing us a disservice!
(I have classical EDS, as does my father, my brother and my 10 year old daughter.)
It took me 30 years but I found the gene responsible for my family's EDS3 along w/the connection to dysauntomia and mast cell disease. In the process, I learned how to put most of our symptoms into remission – all without drugs or surgery.. Identifying root cause is key to finding the most effective treatment, which is imperative to halting progression of the underlying disease process and preventing further complications, By the time I figured it out, I had developed 10 different rare metabolic disorders, all complications of the same inborn metabolic defects having been overlooked and insufficiently treated for most of my life.. Taking this approach has changed my life. I went from being a pathetic invalid, in constant agonizing pain and unable to care for myself, to resuming my passion of farming. We were able to reverse my son's early onset dementia in 5 months and his lifelong bat wings (hyper extensible cheeks) even up and resolved. As a result, our quality of life has improved expotentially!
I took the time to write up my findings and make that information available in the spirit of helping others. Folks now have a choice. If they're not happy w/the level of palliative care they're receiving, they can now opt for recovery. If I can do it, others can, too. The work's been done. All one has to do is act on it. Testing for MTHFR polymorphism can identify those who stand to benefit from treatment. Treatment is mutation specific. Although I did all this myself, there are doctors available now who specialize in MTHFR and can help w/testing and treatment. As long as you do what you've always done, you'll continue to get the results you always got. Time for a change???
Please feel free to share! And help spread the word: EDS3 is metabolic! EDS3 is treatable!
After finding some b12 blogs last week it all started making sense and like you I agree that if we can learn the precise combinations for the vitamins and minerals for each of us EDS will likely be a thing of the past in a few years.
It is a shame so many are quick to be hateful of those wanting to share helpful information but I know that I have been called names and accused of promoting quackery so I know you have probably seen your share of haters also.
But look at the bright side, with HEDS being the prevalent type and if this helps 700,000 people in the future it was worth getting raked over the coals a little bit.
I Love your webpage and thank you for the hard work and heart you put into it!
My brainstem became bent as a result of this, and the brainstem is responsible for autonomic function. Imagine for one minute, what can happen when your brainstem is bent. With EDS, it is imperative for you to be imaged upright, to see the effects of gravity. A supine mri clearly will not show the extent of how things look.
I had to have my skull fused to halfway down my neck, to help restore brain anatomy. During the same surgery, I had to have my brain decompressed b/c my brain was sliding around in my skull and slipping into my neck, blocking flow of cerebral spinal fluid and compressing the brainstem.
With EDS something is lurking around every corner. It is a lifetime of managing very serious symptoms and problems. Now we are moving onto my heart (b/c that too is a muscle that becomes affected), and addressing those problems.
The hardest thing to accept about EDS is how my two children are affected so young. It is quite scary! Somehow I made it to mid-life before I started becoming "unglued," but my 6 year old has already had two neurosurgeries, and the writing is on the wall for my 12 year old.
Ehlers Danlos Syndrome is something that we are hearing a lot about lately, and that is GREAT.....but unless it is being portrayed like it should be, the awareness will wind up hurting us more than helping us.
While your article was welcome, my concern is that it will lead to continuing inadequate and superficial treatment. EDS is no pleasure to have, and the answer to treatment for this potentially horrific disorder is not a pill and some exercise. You can easily get in touch with Ehlers-Danlos National Foundation, the leaders in information for EDS. We can help you discover the truth about Ehlers-Danlos syndrome.
"Vascular Type EDS is particularly destructive because of potential arterial or organ rupture; life expectancy is shortened with a majority of individuals living only into their forties. Arterial or intestinal rupture commonly presents as acute abdominal or flank pain that can be diffuse or localized. Spontaneous arterial rupture is most likely to occur in a person’s twenties or thirties, but can occur at any point in life. Cerebral arterial rupture may present with altered mental status and be mistaken for drug overdose. Mid-size arteries are commonly involved. Arterial, intestinal, or uterine fragility or rupture usually arise in EDS Vascular type, but should be investigated for any EDS type." https://www.facebook.com/notes/ehlers-danlos-national-foundation/what-is-ehlers-danlos-syndrome/10151543135885657
EDS is complex, heterogeneous, and poorly understood, so it can be difficult to sum up in a brief article. Overall, I was very impressed with the accuracy of this piece. However, I'm concerned that, without context, Dr. Kirmani's statement might downplay the life-altering, disabling nature of EDS. He said, "'Even though we have no cure, we can certainly manage the complications quite adequately." Unfortunately, even with the best treatment modern medicine has to offer, a significant subset of us are seriously disabled and live with intractable pain.
OTC pain medication often is not enough to control the chronic pain associated with EDS and may not be well-tolerated due to a variety of co-morbid medical conditions. So, pain control in EDS has to be multimodal and comprehensive. In addition to prescription and non-prescription medication, we often use braces, topical creams, heating pads, cognitive behavioral therapy, massage therapy, trigger point therapy, transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation, and much more.
Anyway, thanks again for helping to raise awareness of Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome, and I'm looking forward to reading your future coverage!
I have been ill for 25 years and now this is this missing piece of my mysterious puzzle-EDS -HYPERMOBILITY.
Please let there be cure soon as children are suffering lifetimes of illness with no way out of their own bodys pain and endless suffering,and loneliness.
Gratefully, EDSers are strong in community, patient advocacy and education in their own right. I'm blessed to not live in chronic pain like many of my compatriots but not unlike others I live in fear that I'll go too fast, too hard, and try too much and face another complication. Alternative therapies may help in lieu of (in my case, the allergies, cramping, and even bruising have been minimized) or alongside allopathic therapies, I wish the best to everyone and hope CNN continues to investigate and provide well-researched articles in the future.
Oh, and I grew up without a mother. She died of organ rupture when I was 1. I watched my grandma have to sit trapped in a chair for many, many years. She couldn't move her arms to dress, wash her hands, nothing. The pain must've been so awful that she was unable to move her arms and they both 'froze'. PT is encouraging that I move my arms to prevent that. What an 'aha moment' that was. I mention this in regards to the milder symptoms that are cited in the article in reference to past generations. Yeah, milder. Sure. I hope they were milder for my family because I would hate to think they had to live through this debilitating mess. At least my mom died when she was 26 and, to my knowledge, her body wasn't betraying her daily and her organ rupture was sudden and completely unexpected. I grew up with no mother. Oh, btw, my grandma was very stoic and known as a 'tough old bird'. She ultimately ended up with late stage cancer – WHICH I SUSPECT THE ONLY WAY SHE DIDN'T KNOW SHE WAS THIS SICK WAS DUE TO THE CHRONIC DAILY PAIN. She was a nurse and it just doesn't make sense that she didn't know she was so 'blown out' with cancer. I cannot detect when I am sick due to the many layers of pain, nausea, suffocating exhaustion that I experience daily. Even when I do actually vomit, I feel confused about whether or not it means anything. I've awakened in the night by my nausea and been forced into the bathroom to become ill. I ignore it and hope that it is nothing serious. My mom said she was fine and just had the flu – then she was dead. We're not wimps! Though many doctors prefer to behave towards me as though I am: a hypochondriac, pain med seeking, wanting attention, a pain wimp, a liar, an exaggerator, etc. I don't have much left beyond my integrity and this type of treatment 'cuts deeply into the bone' of my decency of character. I find it highly aggregous and profoundly offensive! I've had babies with no IV and no anesthesia whatsoever. I know pain and, if I am telling you that I am in pain – then it is likely far worse than I am stating!!! And, NO, I will not take narcotics – I want more function versus less that pain meds will afford me – plus, my stomach has never ever been able to tolerate even the most modest of medications. What, just drug me to shut me up? Catch 22 – why, yes yes – it is!
The doctor in this article sounds like he holds the 'quick and easy fix' for any and all EDS sufferers (oops, is it ok that I use that word). He should publish his studies and educate/enlighten us all. I'll bet all affected by EDS would travel to him for his CURE! Believe me, there's a market for his OTC cure. This has had a devastating impact on several generations of my family and I'd like to know the simple fix. BTW, I hope it's an OTC that my digestive tract will tolerate since I spend a good amount of time trapped with my toilet – but I'm sure there's an easy cure for that too, right? I experience flu symptoms EVERY DAY, cure for that? I'm not even willing to waste my time going into all of the hideous symptoms because it is so many and they are of such severity. I'm just glad to know that there is OTC tx that is fast and effective. Maybe it'll fix my heart too. Where to purchase and how much?
Oh, and what is Gioia learning in her pictures. I want to know how to deal in a nonchalant manner – like it's nothing. Believe me, I've tried and was quite successful until it really 'hit the fan' for me!
I tried to post this, as well as some other thoughts, quite awhile ago but it 'won't take' so I hope to at least be able to pass along this link (above). I'll probably give up on trying to post and am not sure why it's not showing up. Odd. I am aware that there is one post by me regarding my thoughts toward it being something that is milder with previous generations. It's a diff post that I seem to be disallowed to share. Anyway... Please see the link above if you're interested, from a *lay standpoint, in EDS. *I'm not in any way implying that the creator is lay, only that I believe it is described in a very simplistic and easy to grasp manner.